Task/Script Awareness of SWRemote status

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Task/Script Awareness of SWRemote status

Post by bryan »


Is it possible to affect server operation, e.g., change device properties, task execution, etc, based on swremote connection status? I have a timer that controls a sequence of popups that I only want activated if a specific swremote is connected.

In case the answer is "no", here's a little more background for those inclined think about another solution. The above mentioned timer sequences 3 popups at 10 sec intervals. At each change of the popup, the previous popup is closed and the next is opened via task. Evidently, opening and closing popups during initialization of the swremote, say after exiting the remote and restarting, causes the remote to lock-up/quit. Manually, i.e., physically going into the basement and into the server room, turning off the timer before starting the remote corrects the problem, but this is clunky. :(

I tried using 'first panel' entry functions to initialize the timer to "no", but this is too late in the swremote initialization sequence.

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Re: Task/Script Awareness of SWRemote status

Post by ScottBot »

There's not really any way to detect the SWRemote connection status from the server. Sounds like a good feature request though.
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Joined: Sun Dec 17, 2006 8:41 am

Re: Task/Script Awareness of SWRemote status

Post by bryan »

I agree. I see that status reflected in the SWRemote section of the server displays so it obviously "knows", but I understand that that status isn't accessible. If you think about adding it, thinking about exactly when you declare the remote connected will be critical as in my situation above, there are clearly times during initialization when the remote doesn't want to be bothered.
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