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Task "One Shot"

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 1:13 pm
by jacco van der Ven
I try to find an solution for this:

If ('Alarm\ALARM.Status' is Equal 'Armed') Then
Change 'SendSMS.Text' to 'System is Armed'
Change 'SendSMS.Send' to '1'

How can I easy arrange that this task will run once?


Re: Task "One Shot"

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2012 4:02 pm
by markd
I'm not quite sure what you mean- it should only run when ALARM.Status changes, right?

I have a timer on my basement lights that works off a motion detector... I use a flag variable to mask out all the re-triggers. You could use something like that, an extra variable to block the task from triggering again.

Re: Task "One Shot"

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 5:27 am
by jacco van der Ven
Yes that is what I mean! I was using the same way you did, I was wondering there was a better way, without an extra property

Re: Task "One Shot"

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 1:47 pm
by Richard Naninck
If the property gets multiple of the same STATUS inputs than simply uncheck the "Allow Same Value". This way the Task only fires when the property goes from DISARMED to ARMED and doesn't fire again if for whatever reason ARMED is updated

Re: Task "One Shot"

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2012 4:36 pm
by jacco van der Ven
That sounds simple, I will try it.
