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Monitoring X10 Traffic with Insteon PLM

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 2:28 pm
by loo_hoo_ser
Hi All -

I have a script device that triggers when it sees a certain X10 command on the powerline traffic. I have an X10 transmitter that turns on a set of lights. With the POwerlinc X10 module, I was able to snoop on the X10 traffic and execute a script when it saw "M2 ON" command. Now I've had to "Upgrade" to an INsteon PLM (2413U), I am not sure it is even monitoring X10 traffic anymore. Anytime I look at the received composite property, it says "Unknown" for the housecode, but seems to have the right unit code and command. Also, I seem to be receiving numerous errors saying "Error receiving response. COmmand code does not match pending command!" I am wondering if my new Insteon is not receiving X10 commands correctly.

I have the model 2313U from Smarthome (it's a dual band unit), firmware V1.7 and some other number "1222" - not sure what that means.

Hopefully someone can shed some light on this... I'm starting to really dislike this Insteon PLM because it doesn't appear to be fully backwards compatible with my X10 stuff.

Re: Monitoring X10 Traffic with Insteon PLM

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 5:42 pm
by loo_hoo_ser
Bump... wondering if this is a limitation in the Insteon PLM no longer able to see X10 traffic on the powerline that the X10 Powerlinc V1 was able to (RIP)...