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Command Priority ??????

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 4:32 pm
by dominicv
Good afternoon All,

Are there commands that have priortities in execution sequence over others

ie. Will a timer be checked and validated before sending an X-10 command.

Even if the routine shows that the X-10 command should be processed first.

Thanks Guys,


Re: Command Priority ??????

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 5:36 pm
by Richard Naninck
The Execute Program device has a parameter where you can set if you want the program to complete before going on or not. In a Task I suppose that all commands are handled in the order they were programmed. However if a device receiving a command likes to wait a bit before doing something, the task is already moving on to the next command. Scott built it so he knows the true answer.
HouseBot now runs on a single cpu core only because the dual (or more) core feature caused tasks to hang because of timing issues in threads.
A script follows the exact order you program your commands.

HouseBot is a bit sensitive to timing. I have scripts triggering other scripts and while setting a property in one script a Sleep 100 must be introduced to let the property settle before another script, task or whatever can get the correct (new) value from the property.

In short: I have never heard about command priority, but there are many instances where you may think it is. Not sure if that answers your question...

Re: Command Priority ??????

Posted: Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:09 pm
by dominicv

How can I either print a log screen or print a log screen to file in order to show what is going on.


Re: Command Priority ??????

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:30 am
by Richard Naninck
OK, just typed a long post explaining all of this and deleted it again since you can find a better version in the HB Help file.
Goto the helpfile and search for Tracing. It provides you all of the logging option in your native language;)
Look @ Overview - Logging

Good luck..

Re: Command Priority ??????

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 12:25 pm
by dominicv
Thanks Richard,

I will go thrue the info.

Your assistance is always appreciated.
