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Loading Pronto codes via XML

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:18 pm
by Steve Horn
This may not be a bug, but seems to me to be odd at the very least. I decompiled a pronto CCF file containing 7 devices (using the recommended program from The resulting XML file contains IR rawcode for the 7 devices as well as all the raw Pronto stuff. When I imported that file into HB to create the remote devices and their IR rawcodes, the import only established 3 of the remotes and in one of those, only a very small subset (1) of IR codes. The other 4 devices/remotes and IR codes are MIA. Has anyone else encountered this?

Re: Loading Pronto codes via XML

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 8:19 pm
by ScottBot
I would have to look at the ccf to say for sure. It's possible that there are some newer CCF formats that HouseBot isn't recognizing correctly. Of course you can always just copy the pronto codes out of the XML file (since you have found them) and create the IR Code in HouseBot manually.

Re: Loading Pronto codes via XML

Posted: Sun May 10, 2009 9:02 pm
by Steve Horn
Scott, I'll email the ccf xml file to your support email address. If you want to try it out that's fine. Its not a big deal, as you say. Worst case scenario, I can relearn them using the original remotes.

Re: Loading Pronto codes via XML

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:16 am
by ScottBot

I looked at the CCF and found the reason. The import code will only recognize IR codes assigned to a button that have an action name of 'Learned'. I can't remember why I only take the learned codes, but that's the reason all of the codes are not getting imported. I won't have a fix for this any time soon, but I'll put it on the list and it should make it into a future release.

Re: Loading Pronto codes via XML

Posted: Mon May 11, 2009 8:25 am
by Steve Horn
Cool; I'm relieved that it was anything stupid that I had done. I can work around the problem. Maybe even un-name the codes in the ccf or XML and do over. Thanks for looking at it.