Sharing a panel between multiple themes

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Steve Horn
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Sharing a panel between multiple themes

Post by Steve Horn »

I'm hesitant to suggest this, but it's been nagging at me awhile now...
Is there a way to "share" a panel between themes? Basically this would involve building and storing a panel separate from its themes and then when the themes are loaded into the swremote, that panel's XML code would be included in the theme's XML. The advantage I see is that changes to that panel would not need to be copied to all the theme's that require it; updating that one standalone panel's properties (controls, etc.) would "take affect" the next time the themes that use that panel are refreshed in the swremote. Think of it as a panel subroutine.
Like other stuff I've suggested, there may be a way to do this (that doesn't involve externally editing XML theme code) but the only way I know of now is the "copy panel" method. But for panel updates, that's pretty cumbersome.
Just asking... :?
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Re: Sharing a panel between multiple themes

Post by incoronado »

Sorry to comment on a 5-year old post, but thought it might useful to someone else.

I have not found an easy way to do this. I'm sure there might be a better way, but this is what I have done.

I have created a null device for each of my remotes. I use this to track property changes that are unique to each remote. I use this If I don't want a property change from one remote to be reflected in a given context on the other remote. I have added the remote name in server side command structure for the commands as well as necessary logic code in my scripts. This way you can search and replace Copied_Theme.XML file replacing the old remote name with the new remote name. It's not pretty but it works with a fairly minimal amount of rework.
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