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Self CLosing Panel

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 10:11 am
by Steve Horn
How about a panel that you can set a parameter for when created that defines how long the panel (typically a pop-up) will stay open before it closes? Now, as far as I know, it takes a separate timer and a task to keep an eye on the timer to do this. That is, opening the panel starts the timer; the task waits for timer to stop and then closes the panel. With the new panel parameter (time to stay open in mins, secs, fortnights, whatever), the additional timer and task could be avoided. Just a thought. But maybe someone has a cleaner way?

Re: Self CLosing Panel

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:16 pm
by edgar
Hi Steve,

That would be a convenient feature. Right now for pop ups I use only a task only with the delay action to hold your window open. I also use a timer for some of my pop ups that I have automatically popping up so i can add a "This window will close in: " %%Timer.Remaining Time%% so you know the window will close on its own.


Re: Self CLosing Panel

Posted: Sun Mar 20, 2011 11:48 pm
by Steve Horn
That's a good idea - use of the delay in the task task. I obviously had not thought of that; thanks for the tip.