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Control Focus Managment and List Controls

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:50 pm
by edgar
Hello all,

I have searched the forums and have found no other threads that hit on the issue that I am having. It appears that when I have a list control as part of a theme/SWRemote and have the 'Control Focus Management' enabled on the SWRemote I crash the SWRemote when i switch to the panel with the list control. I am using the list control to display a changing list (callers). I do not need to control anything on it, just display it. I have found that strange things happen when you enable the 'Control Focus Management' especially with the scroll bars and such (causing an immediate SWRemote crash as soon as you bring up a panel with a control list). I have found that I can make the control list big and the list font smaller (to get my whole list displayed), the panel will display with 'Control Focus Management' enabled .... but as soon as you move the focus box over the list control, the SWRemote crashes.

I am running Windows 7 for the client and XP as my HB Server. I ran SWRemote on the XP server and the SWRemote crashed there as well.

Thanks for any/all help.

