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SWRemote Button Repeat

Posted: Fri Apr 09, 2010 6:03 am
by Richard Naninck
There is a keyrepeat on Property Change buttons which are normally used for fastforwarding or rewinding etc.

There is a different way of using such a button which makes up for nice extra features.


My previous panel change button jumped from the main screen to the weather panel. Now I changed this button into a property change button with a script line. When pressed shortly, the weather panel still pops, but when pressed longer then 800ms, the weather radar internet site from an internal HB browser pops up.
So the time to start repeating is set at 800ms. The repeat itself at 10000ms to prevent an actual repeat and the property value is completely different from what is expected when doing a normal repeat.

All kinds of neat tricks (dubbel function buttons) can be setup this way.

Enjoy... unless of course it is an old idea and I have never seen it before :wink: