Adhering to limits

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Adhering to limits

Post by kbosscawen »

I'm working with a ZWave device (the Dim Level property), and noticed that there currently isn't anything at the HB server level that ensures adherence to value limits. The dim level should only be allowed to have values between 0 and 100, and, in fact, if you Select a value through the server interface it does limit you, but themes are able to set whatever value they want. If I want to limit it to 0-100 in a theme, I'll need to put together a task to do so.

Seems like if there's a limit on a property's values, the HB server itself should enforce that limit rather than having to be limited programmatically.

Just a suggestion. If I've missed something, please let me know.

btw, keep up the good work!!! I'm SOOOO glad you got it back!

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Post by ScottBot »

There isn't actually the concept of a property value limit in the UI. The Hardware Interface or Device may reject values that are outside of it's capabilities, but it still allows you to try.

When you see selection lists for possible values in the UI, it is really intended to only be a helper for selecting values without having to know what all the possible options are. So although they seem like they would limit you to only valid options, they're really just suggestions.

Now, that's not to say that it wouldn't be nice to have limits imposed in places.
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