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All On/Off Lights

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 2:22 pm
by James D
Is there are easy way to turn all my x10 lights on without associating a House code and unit code?

I just want to create a device named "All Lights" which is a Null Device
I put the Direct x10 command property from the property manager.
Set the property valve to All Lights On or Off with no response.

But if I use any of the preinstalled x10 lights modules I have and change the Direct x10 command property to All Lights On or Off HB works.

Sooo, my question is can I do this simply and I mean simply (without the use of an Unit and House code). I do not want to use the task, and other impliment, because I can just assign a unit and House code and I will be done. And "Bam"..... Let there be LIGHTS. I was just wondering if I overlooked something. Trying to be stingy with the unit and house codes. LOL!!!!