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Sonos ZonePlayer COM Objects

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 11:09 pm
by Osler
Here you can download the final .wsc files for ZonePlayer integration. I am still working on the unifying script...just haven't had much time of late. The ZonePlayerController is well documented via the help file. The ZonePlayerFinder doesn't have a help file, but it has a sample script showing how to use it. The idea is to use ZonePlayerFinder initially to populate a device with zone names and zone uniquedevicenames(UDN). Then pull this data from the device using ZonePlayerController to connect to and control each ZonePlayer. Hopefully I will have the final script done soon. If there are any out there that want to play with these, be my guest. ...

These components can also be used with jscript and in VB6 (dunno or care about .NET).


Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2007 11:25 am
by Osler
The component now integrates a callback feature so that it is updated when a state variable on the zoneplayer changes (i.e., there is no longer a need to poll the zoneplayer for its current state). The component still has to be "kept alive" in a continuously running script to receive notification (or drop it into a VB6 .exe); however, the only network traffic between the component and zoneplayer occurs when a state variable changes (i.e., when the zoneplayer begins to play, it notifies the component....when a new track begins to play, it notifies the component...etc.). There is more information relayed in the status update than I currently include in the component; however, it is working correctly for the basics (transport state, volume, equalizer settings). I will expose more of the status data in a later update to the component.


see the help file for additional details