iPhone/ iPod Touch TRUE SWremote

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iPhone/ iPod Touch TRUE SWremote

Post by roussell »

Hey Scott,

What are the chances of seeing a honest-to-goodness HB SWremote for the iPhone/iPod Touch????? I know solinvictus21 wrote a nice interface for the iPhone/Touch but what I'm really needing is an actual 'iSWremote' that functions like the windows-based ones. I want the cool buttons, graphics, theme designer, etc. that I've come to know and love. Whatayasay? It is C development after all, right?? Sure it's Objective C, but at least it isn't C#... :wink: You know you wanna. Come on, have some Kool-aide, it's apple flavored. 8)

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Re: iPhone/ iPod Touch TRUE SWremote

Post by ScottBot »

It would be a great addition to the SWRemote platform support. I have it on the list for version 4, but have no idea when it will ever happen. It's a fair amount of work, since the entire code base will need to be rewritten for the new platform (I'll also have to actually buy a mac).

Hopefully I can support most everything that the Windows versions do, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were some graphic features that won't be supported.
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Re: iPhone/ iPod Touch TRUE SWremote

Post by roussell »

Let me know if I can help in anyway when you get ready. My house is all Apple now except for one Linux media server and one Windows box that only runs HouseBot. BTW, you may not have to buy a Mac for Xcode development - at least not to test with. I've found that OSX can be made to run on quite a variety of hardware without too much trouble. There is a version that installed and ran flawlessly on even an old Dell Dimension 4600 that I had, the Xcode IDE and and iPhone/Touch emulators worked great on it. I used that for a while until I got a Macbook from Santa...

You might be surprised at the level of support in the iProducts - While I don't think you'll get the coolness of DirectX stuff in Windows, you should find the platform more robust than WinCE/WM.

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Re: iPhone/ iPod Touch TRUE SWremote

Post by raptor_demon »

I'd like to add that this looks like a great idea :)
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